Inner order rules

Inner order rules

1. General Provisions

1.1. Students' internal regulations - an internal regulatory legal act that defines the rights, duties, responsibilities of students, regulates relationships with the college administration, staff and students, and students' behavior.
1.2. Student - a person participating in the process of education and upbringing in college in accordance with the program of technical and vocational education on the basis of the state educational order, on a paid (educational contract) basis.
1.3. Legal basis of the Rules: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education, Youth policy, the Concept of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the College.

2. Competence of the college administration

2.1. The college is independent in scientific, financial, economic and other activities in the implementation of the educational process, the selection and placement of personnel within the limits established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, model regulations on the activities of educational institutions of the appropriate type and the charter of the college.
2.2. The college carries out its activities publicly, informs the public about educational, scientific and financial activities.
2.3. College competencies:
1) development and approval of internal regulations;
2) development and approval of working curricula and working curricula;
3) development and approval of educational programs with a reduced period of study;
4) support of student self-government bodies, providing them with financial and material assistance;
5) rewarding students, imposing disciplinary sanctions;
6) creation of conditions for training students in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological, labor protection, technical, fire safety;
7) parents and other legal representatives of students and adopted children annually until the end of the current academic year:
informing about the list of textbooks and teaching aids, tools and additional literature, including on electronic media, recommended for use in the upcoming academic year, the list of educational materials used in the upcoming academic year;
8) formation, division into groups of students, foster children in accordance with the license to engage in educational activities;
9) introduction of new learning technologies, including credit learning technology and distance learning technologies;
10) provides ongoing monitoring of students' progress, intermediate and final certification, presentation of diplomas in a solemn atmosphere, analyzes enrollment, employment, registration of graduates;
11) logistics, equipment and supply of the college;
12) keeping records of the age, address, gender, geographical data of students, the number of students, movements (admission, departure, admission, transfer, academic leave, re-admission), the status of orphans and children left without parental care, small living standards lead a list of students with disabilities from (large) families, collects data on their living conditions, discipline, academic performance, provides assistance;
13) conclusion of an agreement with students (parents, guardians) studying on a paid basis, with the requirement to comply with its requirements, the provision of goods (works, services) on a paid basis in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
14) provision of medical services to students, ensuring the protection and promotion of the health of students;
15) ensuring the timely provision of additional benefits provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to certain categories of students, foster children;
16) assistance in the activities of student self-government bodies, public associations;
17) introduction of modern forms of professional training of students.

3. Form of study in college

3.1. The academic year at the college begins on September 1 and ends according to the schedule of the educational process. Students are entitled to at least two full-time studies per year, for a total of no more than 11 weeks per year, including at least 2 weeks during the winter. The schedule of classes in the college is compiled in accordance with the schedule of the educational process and working curricula. For all types of classroom lessons, academic hours (pairs) are set for 90 minutes with a break of 10 minutes. The first lesson starts at 8-30 am and ends according to the schedule. Classes in the college are held in the form of lectures, seminars, practical classes, laboratory, control and independent work, consultations, interviews, extracurricular activities, course and diploma projects (term papers and theses) and internships. College study groups are formed in the form of full-time education in specialties - no more than 25 people (up to 30 people in military specialties), in the form of correspondence, evening education - at least 15 people. Depending on the specifics of the profession or specialty, individual lessons are held with students.
The number of study groups is divided into subgroups of no more than 13 people during laboratory work, practical classes, the list of which is determined in accordance with the curriculum, including physical culture and individual subjects, practical classes (training grounds and learning facilities).

4. Student rights:

4.1. Receive a quality education in accordance with state standards of compulsory education, require compliance with the schedule;
4.2. Create student self-government bodies (student councils), be members of various youth and student organizations, elect, elect, participate in their work, demand reports on their work;
4.3. Demand compensation for harm caused by the college to the health or property of the student;
4.4. Criticize the actions of the college administration, employees, students;
4.5. Participate in international, republican, regional, city, intra-university scientific, sports, educational, cultural and legal, educational, patriotic, pedagogical, creative events (competitions, olympiads, conferences, competitions, symposiums), in various publications (newspapers, magazines). , Internet)) publish their work; 4.6. Get acquainted with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological, fire, technical, labor protection in college buildings, in the yard, in the educational process, during internship, demand their compliance;
4.7. For training according to individual curricula, abbreviated educational programs within the framework of compulsory state educational standards by decision of the college's pedagogical council;
4.8. Choose alternative courses in accordance with the curriculum;
4.9. receive additional educational services, knowledge on a paid basis, depending on their preferences and needs;
4.10. Participate in the management of the College;
4.11. Be re-admitted and transferred from one educational institution to another, from one specialty to another, to study on a paid basis by order of public education or to transfer from one form of education to another;
4.12. Free use of information resources in an accessible form for college students, be provided with textbooks, teaching aids and teaching aids;

4.13. Free use of sports, reading, assembly halls, computer, Internet rooms and a library, reading rooms;

4.14. Receive information about the situation in the field of employment in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4.15. Freely express their views and beliefs, study, ask questions of the college administration, employees about their rights and interests, demand answers;
4.16. Appeal against actions, inaction of employees (teachers) of the College, restore violated rights and interests;
4.17. Respect for human dignity;
4.18. To encouragement for success in studies, sports, scientific and creative activities, to receive discounts and bonuses for education;
4.19. Preferential travel in public transport (except taxis) by decision of local representative bodies;
4.20. Combine study with work in your free time;
4.21. Postpone conscription for military service in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4.22. Go on academic leave, to re-study for medical reasons and in other special cases;
4.23. Payment of a state scholarship to full-time students studying at a college commissioned by public education. The rules for the appointment and payment of a state scholarship, as well as its amount, are approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The highest state scholarship is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4.24. For students accepted in accordance with the state educational order, the college provides places in hostels in the manner determined by the authorized body in the field of education.
4.25. It is not allowed to distract college students from the educational process;
4.26. for exemption from physical education for health reasons (based on the decision of the medical advisory commission);
4.27. Certain categories of students are provided with other benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4.28. On the basis of the state educational order in the college, students are entitled to preferential travel by intercity rail and road transport (except for taxis) during the winter and summer holidays.

5. Student Responsibilities

5.1. Acquire knowledge, skills, practical skills and qualifications in accordance with the requirements of state standards of compulsory education, comply with the rules of conduct, the code of student ethics, comply with the college charter and other requirements of the contract for educational services;
5.2. Be honest, fair, modest in your actions, observe generally accepted moral and ethical standards, be polite and courteous in communicating with students and staff, speaking “You”, allow owls, girls and women;
5.3. Follow the orders of the director of the college, the decisions of the pedagogical council, the self-government body (student council);
5.4. Students strive to independently take care of their health, strengthen their spiritual and physical health;
5.5. Timely, full payment of the cost of education, provided for by the contract for the provision of educational services;
5.6. Know state symbols, correct them;
5.7. Return textbooks received from the library in full;
5.8. Complies with the principles of "zero tolerance" for any offenses, corruption and bribery;
5.9. Participate in classes, internships in accordance with the schedule;
5.10. To be on duty in your group, department, to perform the duties of a watchman;
5.11. Comply with and comply with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological, fire, technical, labor protection in buildings and on the territory of the College, in the educational process, during practice, participate in subbotniks, monthly, subbotniks;
5.12. Take care of the property of the college, staff and students, reimburse its cost in case of damage;
5.13. Comply with the requirements of the current legislation, public order, traffic rules during off-hours;
5.14. Participate in cultural, educational, scientific, sports, creative events organized at the College;
5.15. comply with the dress code established by the College;
5.16. Obliged to respect the honor and dignity of students, staff, history and traditions of the college.

6. The student is prohibited from:

6.1. Violate the rules of conduct adopted by the College, the requirements of the Code of Ethics, regulations;
6.2. Use phones (smartphones, tablets) with a camera on the territory of the college, in buildings;
6.3. Participate in activities prohibited by law, not permitted by the administration of the College;
6.4. Smoking, gum chewing, litter in college buildings and yards;
6.5. During the lesson, walk without a reason in buildings, in the yard, run without a reason along the corridors, wear outerwear;
6.6. Damage desks, furniture, paint, break equipment, misuse;
6.7. Make noise in the classroom, speak obscene words, laugh out loud;
6.8. Be in a state of alcoholism, drug addiction, psychotropic, toxic intoxication (similar to them), including when importing, using, storing substances that cause alcoholism, drug addiction, toxic intoxication (similar) during classes, practice;
6.9. To carry out actions in the college aimed at political propaganda, religious propaganda, violation of interethnic, interfaith stability, incitement to actions that are contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6.10. Access, receipt, storage, false, illegal access to sites prohibited by law, social networks (extremist, negative religious movements, pornography, erotica, gambling, casinos), incitement to suicide, crime, psychological trauma, harm to health through the Internet College distributes information;
6.11. Use the College's Internet network, property for monetary gain;
6.12. Meetings of extremist, religious organizations and parties, rallies, marches, demonstrations, etc., prohibited by law, seize college property (buildings, classrooms, vehicles, computers, printers, office equipment, etc.). organize public events or record the necessary materials on disks, print leaflets or store and distribute them on computers;
6.13. Participate in illegal mass events, meetings, marches, rallies, demonstrations not permitted by the College administration;
6.14. Self-assessment, damage, rupture, page replacement, textbook repair;
6.15. Damage, theft, destruction of property of the College, public and private persons;
6.16. Carry and use flammable substances (kerosene, gasoline, etc.), explosives or prohibited substances (pornographic materials, gas cylinders, drugs, bladed weapons, firearms, weapons, electric shocks, etc.) in the buildings and courtyards of the college. store, distribute, sell;
6.17. Use, repair damaged or artificial electrical installations in college buildings, connect personal phones to power sources;
6.18. Violation of the rules of sanitation, hygiene, labor protection or fire safety or traffic safety;
6.19. Enter and work in laboratories and workshops without special clothing (robe, etc.), without knowledge of safety regulations, fire safety, labor protection;
6.20. Use mobile phones and other equipment (not related to the lesson) during the lesson;
6.21. Carry out actions, import, storage, sale of goods prohibited by the current labor, civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

7. Student responsibility

7.1. Students are responsible for non-compliance with the curriculum, the Charter of the College, the Rules of Conduct for Students, the Rules for Living in a Hostel, the Student Code of Ethics, prohibitions. The following disciplinary actions apply.
- a warning;
- reprimand;
- expulsion from college (study);
- eviction from the hostel.
7.2. Student deduction:
1) upon a voluntary application;
2) for non-payment of tuition fees (violation of the terms of the tuition agreement);
3) in accordance with the conclusion of the medical advisory commission for health reasons;
4) in connection with a transfer to another educational institution;
5) in connection with death;
6) in case of committing systematic or gross misconduct (organization or participation in fights, alcoholism, drug addiction, intoxication, etc.), or the use of such intoxicants in the classroom, inciting other students to commit offenses, bringing illegal substances to the college, for storage, use, theft, bribery or mediation, for causing major damage to college property, for actions that violate interethnic, interfaith relations, for non-compliance with prohibitions, obligations specified in these Rules, for 72 hours in a row during the semester by decision of the pedagogical council at unsatisfactory grades in four subjects based on the results of absenteeism and midterm certification;
7) for organizing and participating in illegal meetings, rallies, demonstrations, demonstrations (on the basis of a reasoned notification from law enforcement agencies) by order of the head.
7.3. When a minor student applies for resignation of his own free will, the written consent of his parents or legal representative is required. The expulsion of a child from a state educational institution before receiving free technical and vocational education can be carried out only with the notification of the guardianship and guardianship authorities in compliance with the general procedure for expulsion. When a minor student is expelled from the college, his parents or legal representative must be summoned to the pedagogical council and notified of this in writing. A student expelled during the semester for non-payment of tuition fees is subject to re-enrollment within four weeks from the date of expulsion in case of repayment of the tuition fee arrears. voluntarily control the receipt of student documents issued by the college, obtain a certificate of employment in other educational institutions (school, college, university).
7.4. A proposal to expel a student can be made by the head of the group, subject teacher, head of the department, deputy director, employee who discovered the violation.
7.5. A disciplinary sanction is applied to the student after the end of the session, and in case of detection of a violation within one month (after detection). Please note that reprimands will be lifted after six months.
7.6. Disciplinary action (warning, reprimand), expulsion from school, hostel is carried out by order of the director of the college.
7.7. The student has the right to apply to higher authorities or law enforcement agencies in accordance with the requirements of the law on penalties imposed on him.7.8. All expelled students have the right to re-enroll in full-time and part-time forms of study in accordance with the current Rules, regardless of the reasons for expulsion.
7.9. Responsibility for offenses committed during college education is determined within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.10. Liability for material damage - within the limits established by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.11. The order of eviction from the hostel: Residents are evicted from the hostel after graduation, transferred to distance learning, expelled for repeated or single gross violations of the rules of living in the hostel. The living room and furniture evicted from the hostel must be handed over to the commandant, the bedding handed over to the castellan and removed from the passport, and the tenant who did not hand over the furniture and bedding must reimburse them in full. The eviction of a resident (student) from the hostel is carried out by decision of a special commission. To evict a resident from the dormitory, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the student council of the dormitory. Before imposing a disciplinary sanction, a written explanation must be required from the resident, if the student (guest) refuses to write an explanation, the educator (other official) fills out the appropriate act, the act must be signed by two residents (students), the tenant's refusal to comment does not exempt from disciplinary action. The head of the hostel, educators, the student council of the hostel, the commandant (for damage to property, cleanliness) have the right to make a proposal for eviction from the hostel. Residents of the hostel charged

8. Applying to college (study)

8.1. The procedure for admission to training (college) (technical and vocational, post-secondary education) is established by the standard rules for admission to educational institutions of the appropriate type, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons with basic secondary (general basic), general secondary (general secondary), technical and vocational (primary and secondary vocational), post-secondary, higher (higher vocational) education are accepted. study.
8.2. Admission to study on the basis of the state order is carried out on a competitive basis at the request of citizens. The conditions of the competition should guarantee the observance of the right to education and the admission of citizens who are more capable and ready to master the appropriate level of vocational training programs.
8.3. The current legislation determines the composition of citizens who have the pre-emptive right to enroll in a competition for enrollment under the state order of students and are provided with a quota.
8.4. Admission to specialties requiring special or creative training is carried out on the basis of the results of special or creative examinations. The list of specialties and the procedure for conducting special or creative examinations are determined by the rules of standard admission.
8.5. Paid educational services are provided on the basis of working curricula (programs) developed on the basis of state compulsory education standards. Paid education is regulated by the relationship of the college, the student, his parents or other legal representatives. If the student pays the costs for the entire period of study at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the amount of payment will not change until the end of the study period. With staged tuition fees, the amount of tuition fees may change no more than once a year in the event of an increase in wages and taking into account the inflation index. Paid educational services cannot be provided as a substitute for basic educational services financed under the state order.
9. Awarding students
9.1. Rewarding students is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the College "On Encouragement".
9.2. At the end of the academic year, he showed the best knowledge, exemplary behavior throughout the year, was active in public and political life, participated in one-time scientific, educational, technical, sports, creative events (competitions, olympiads, competitions, contests, exhibitions). The right to The award is given to students who have shown courage in maintaining public order, national security, or saving lives.
9.3. Types of incentives applied to students:
• Hey
• Letter of thanks (letter of thanks);
• presentation of the Certificate of Honor;
• Payment of monetary and natural bonuses;
• Add a photo to the "Best" panel;
• Writing the book "Honor" in college;
• Nominations "Best Student", "Active Student", "Exemplary Student", "Best Graduate" (badge)
• Benefits for education, transfer to the budgetary (budgetary) form of education.
9.4. A proposal to reward a student can be made by a study group, group leader, head of department, deputy director, state bodies, student council, youth and student organizations, individuals and other legal entities.
9.5. All awards are issued by order of the director based on the decision of a special commission.

10. Extracurricular activities of the student

10.1. Strives to raise the prestige of the college, to demonstrate and improve their knowledge and discipline;
10.2. Leads a healthy lifestyle, promotes and goes in for sports on a voluntary basis.
10.3. Adhere to generally accepted moral and ethical standards, observe antisocial behavior, public order, legality, including not allowing drunken, immoral behavior in public places that infringes on human dignity and morality in society;
10.4. Suppresses the organization and participation in illegal meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions;
10.5. Helps citizens in need of help to be humble;
10.6. For his part, he must not violate the requirements of the law, leading to a violation of morality, order and security in society, and not allow other citizens to be involved in illegal, antisocial activities.

11. Student government

11.1. In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", "On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan", in order to participate in the management of the college, the college creates student self-government bodies and has representatives. The governing bodies are the student council, representatives are group leaders.
11.2. The mayor is elected by the students of each group. Each student studying in a group has the right to be elected to the position of headman. The election of the mayor is organized by the curator of the study group, the deputy director for educational work. Elections must be alternative. The headman is a representative of a group that protects the rights and interests of students. The group leader works under the guidance of the group leader (curator). The leader of the group organizes educational, social and cultural activities in the group. For the head of the group for each day in the group is assigned a duty officer. The duty officer of the group is responsible for maintaining order, sanitary and hygienic control and storage of property, wet cleaning in laboratories and classrooms after classes, preparing the necessary materials and visual aids before classes, timely delivery of them to the head of the office and laboratory after classes. Class.
11.3. The Student Council is a permanent coordinating, advisory and representative body of college students. The competence of the Student Council is considered in a special Regulation.

12. The order of the student during the lesson

12.1. At the beginning of the lesson, the student stands up and greets the teacher. During the lesson, the student should stand up at the mention of his name. The student must arrive on time for class, turn off the mobile phone or switch it to “silent” mode, focus all his attention on the lesson, dedicate a special notebook to each subject.
12.2. The teacher is obliged to record lectures, assignments in special notebooks, reread and perform them.
12.3. Making noise during the lesson, disturbing yourself and other students from the lesson, engaging in extracurricular activities (talking on the phone, playing, talking, laughing) is prohibited.
12.4. During the lesson, the student asks permission from the teacher whether he wants to ask a question or answer a question.
12.5. The student keeps the classroom clean, the use of chewing gum, plastic containers, food waste is not allowed.
12.6. The student wears a special uniform for classes, special clothes (gowns) in laboratories, sportswear and shoes for physical education.
12.7. After the bell rings between lessons, he gets up and says goodbye to the teacher, and after the teacher leaves the classroom.