My teacher is my mentor, my example!

My teacher is my mentor, my example!


A spiritual meeting evening was held with the veteran teachers of the educational organization. The life experience and wisdom of the representatives of the older generation are invaluable, and their many achievements are an example for young people. During the solemn evening, the head of the college Zhaksygul Kokhanovyna specially congratulated and honored all the veteran teachers and Temirbekov Nurilda Kadirulyn, Abdramanova Kuanyshkul Makhambetovyna and Nagima Zhakypovyna Abdikhalykova who celebrated their 70th anniversary.
No one was worse than listening to the wisdom of the older generation and memorizing their words. On behalf of the veteran teachers, Nurilda Kadiruly, Alima Zhakypovna and Ayakoz Askarovna congratulated the teachers on the holiday, exemplified the great responsibility of teaching, and blessed the next generation.
On this auspicious day like today, our veteran teachers, who are continuing the continuity of good traditions, were presented with awards and gifts for their precious and holy teaching work for many years. The next stage of the meeting was the singing of the college teachers and artists who completed the content of the ceremony. Basically, this day is a day full of special kindness, showing sincere gratitude and care for the contribution of the older generation to the life of the society. Future youth and representatives of the middle generation can learn a lot from the treasured elders.
A meeting with the representatives of the older generation shows that respect and service to our treasures, respect for them is not enough for one day. Don't let the ranks of our treasured old people be cut short!